T2VOC User’s Guide
R. W. Falta@, K. Pruess#, S. Finsterle#, and A. Battistelli&
@Earth Sciences Department
Clemson University, Celmson, SC 29634
#Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Report LBL-36400
&AQUATER S.p.A., 61047 San Lorenzo in Campo (PS), Italy
Abstract. T2VOC is a numerical simulator for three-phase, three-component, non-isothermal flow of water, air, and a volatile organic compound (VOC) in multidimensional heterogeneous porous media. Developed at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, T2VOC is an extension of the TOUGH2 general-purpose simulation program.
This report is a self-contained guide to application of T2VOC to subsurface contamination problems involving nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs). It gives a technical description of the T2VOC code, including a discussion of the physical processes modeled, and the mathematical and numerical methods used. Detailed instructions for preparing input data are presented along with several illustrative sample problems.
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