Finsterle and Pruess (1995): iTOUGH2: Solving TOUGH inverse problems

iTOUGH2: Solving TOUGH inverse problems

Stefan Finsterle and Karsten Pruess

Proceedings, TOUGH2 Workshop ’95, p. 287-292
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Report LBL-37200, Berkeley, California, March 20-22, 1995

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720

Abstract. iTOUGH2 is a program that provides inverse modeling capabilities for the TOUGH2 code. While the main purpose of iTOUGH2 is to estimate two-phase hydraulic properties by calibrating a TOUGH2 model to laboratory or field data, the information obtained by evaluating parameter sensitivities can also be used to optimize the design of an experiment, and to analyze the uncertainty of model predictions. iTOUGH2 has been applied to a number of laboratory and field experiments on different scales. Three examples are discussed in this paper, demonstrating the code’s capability to support test design, data analysis, and model predictions for a variety of TOUGH problems.