>>> PARALLEL: ncores (ROOT: root_directory) (SLEEP: isleep) ((AGGRESSIVE) LEVENBERG (ALL PROCESSORS / PROCESSORS: ncoreslm))
Parent Command
Allows embarrassingly parallel execution of forward simulations on multi-core machines. The number of cores ncores is provided on the command line.
Message passing occurs through temporary files; the root directory for these files is specified using keyword ROOT (defaults: /tmp on Unix machines, C: on PCs). If the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is used, trial parameter sets obtained with different Levenberg parameters can be evaluated in parallel on nrocslm processors using keyword LEVENBERG. By default, each trial parameter set is calculated using an increased Levenberg parameter, resulting in smaller, more robust update steps in the parameter space. Keyword AGGRESSIVE instructs iTOUGH2 to evaluate parameter sets with both increased and decreased values of the Levenberg parameter. The parent process can be suspended for isleep seconds each time it checks for incoming residuals (default: isleep = 1).
>>> use LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT minimization algorithm
>>> PARALLEL: 4 processors (ROOT directory on PC is: E:, parallelize JACOBIAN only, SLEEP for : 1 sec)
See Also
>>> PVM
Report Parallelization of iTOUGH2 Using PVM